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Clock Guts


A few days before final exam,
we actually manage to do steamboat in our hostel! Yay!
Can you actually believe that?, cause cooking appliance like
 rice cooker and others like this kind of stuff is not allow in hostel.
And we manage to get a big rice cooker from our friend next door.
i din follow them to Summit to buy the food actually cause that time
i was actually on bed due to late sleep watching movies or anime.

So, they reach back from Summit approximately 9pm that night.
Then the show start...

Dissecting some prawn..

This is Me, Kim and Wei Wei (My Room mate) doing the cleaning.

And some do the frying...and they EAR IT the time the nugget is cooked.
Kononnye want to taste the nugget is cooked or not.
Looking at the picture...yummy... haha

The Hot Tom Yam sup full with fish ball.

This is Yen Zheng. Our so call Chef that day!
He's sucks in this!

This is his masterpiece. The pieces of crab is actually
my idea. Yeah! haha.

This is his second invention. The Hotdog + Ketam Stick +
Sayur + Udang Telur Bungkus.
Believe me or not! Udang! One piece! the he actually cook the
raw shrimp this way! In the end when done im the one who get that piece of 
shrimp! WTF! Imagine how a noncook shrimp taste like?
Shushi? NO WAY!! IT SUCKS!!
Im starting to get really worried that worms start growing 
inside my brain because of that raw shrimp!

This is how it looks like before people start to gather and grab a piece!
Looks nice wa. How i know they put udang inside ar??
(a word that people here actually dun understand)

At last. Some of my own picture. Trying to be helpful but the real
fact is im trying to get myself a nugget! hiak hiak hiak...

Some naked photos! lolz...

This is the act cute plan. Im wearing the
Datuk Kurung the one we get during orientation.

Ok done! This is the most cool of them all. We named it the FKMP Board.
The Director is sitting in the middle wearing my Datuk Kurung leaving me behind
with a singlet. =.=''''' That is so not cool! haha.
But anyway, we are going to stay together this 4 year study the 
same course. I wishes all of them good luck as they are all
best friends of mine! yeah! haha.
Posting soon.

Peace out!


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