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Clock Guts

Wait For Me

I remembered it was May, end of May to be exact and now it is the point of no return. Living my life with no regret. Sometimes i wonder, what would happen when people that i loved found out that the great thing that ever happen in my life and something that i defend so great is something not a lot of people can truly accept. I remembered how and where i grew up. Not knowing the meaning of friendship until i was the age of 15. Before that, people would thought a lot of me and they would said me stuff. I took them all and move on thinking as they were my mistakes and problems but in reality, they were cruel.

Looking back and now. Experiencing everything back there not knowing what i have in mind. Maybe i was so stupid that i let everything just flies. Probably that's what people would say, 'hypocrite' when everything that you see in front of your on eyes is a fake. Its pathetic isn't it? Still, there are always reasons cause we can't read what are in other people's mind unless you have psychic power.

I've sacrifice everything and i forget every much of the single deed that i did. It was defined as Love. I threw everything away maybe only God has the eyes to see and the heart to feel. Beginning was a little harsh but when its to the end then people they started to appreciate. It's and always been that way. Why? I don't know what's right or wrong anymore. But still there's one thing that pushes me forward. That's Love. Every single road that i chose, i see, i feel, i experience, and i don't regret. Hopefully, there are much strength left in me to move on. Its forth year now. Graduating next year. Wait for me. ^^ Remember that we are still rowing a boat at the sea searching for the shore together. Its either aiming high or u fell. But i'm aiming high. Once again, wait for me. ^^

-Peace Out-


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