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Clock Guts


Just some crappy post. Its 5.57am now and guess wad? Im still awake to post something here. Lol. Lots of problems going thru my head spinning round and round. Not including my reports and assignments yet. Sigh. I don't know what i should say. I don't know that problems are actually coming from me myself or from other people. Should i say that i was the one being selfish? Or should i say i was the one being unreasonable?

Humans. Peoples. They like to create problems to themselves. Different people with different attitude and different thinking. I just wish i can be the one that care less. That must be easy right? When u care less. U take less time thinking of the problems. I guess i should do that and yet. Im still here typing and crapping. I shall and i will do that. When there's time where u need anything and u ain't getting it? You should just say goodbye and never looked back to it. Find another alternative ways.

Its hard sometimes. That why i said this the other day. 'Its easy for someone to make promices, but its hard for someone to keep their promices. Human Nature'. So tell me now am i right about this sentence? Well. I won't admit im perfect and im not hoping for perfection in anyone. I just want changes. But each time when u hope for changes, there's time when u shall not hope for it. Cause when you do. Maybe you are just pulling more disappointment towards you. ^^

-Peace Out-

Proton Saga's Suspension Components

Guess wad we did in automotive lab yesterday?

Topic: Suspension System.
Experimental equipment: Proton Saga, Hydraulic jack, stand jack, socket wrench set, wire brush, wet cloth, C-clamp, and hammer.

But honestly, we didn't use all those stuff listed. That Saga is a breakdown car. Being placed there for dunno how many years. Leaving it to rust and rot there. Pity. Anyway, its our duty to fully use the Saga and also to learn the components. Lets see.

The lecturer just take out the tyre cause they din screw it in. So this is wad we saw. This is the front part of the suspension system. As you can see the shock absorber is placed inside the spring. The spring is the core of nearly all suspension systems.

The suspension system for the behind tyre. Can u see the difference? Lol. The shock absorber is places outside of the spring.

Our big project! Yes. Dig out the suspension! Wohoo.

The suspension. Despite of the look, it weight around 10kg though. ^^

Those 2 horizontal rods were used to compressed the spring before the smaller components are opened. If u didn't compress the spring, when u open the nut at the top of the shock absorber, the force from the spring would send the nut flying together with the damper which may lead to injuries. ^^

This is the damper. Can be rotate due to the handling from steering.

The shock absorber.

Gun used to tighten and loosen nut. This gun use air pressure to operate.

The compressed spring. Lol. That's all i got since im using my black and white screen handphone. Anyway, show u guys some nice videos!

Got this from my lecturer! Lol.

P/s: I don't understand France language either. Anyway, just watch the video. Lol.

-Peace out-

Fun In Class ^^

Status: Boring....
MSn: DaRKbOy

'Tsam' Tsae Yun
Tan Kang Teng
Szu Hua
Tung Heng Giap,

Liong: Hi there?

Aldrin: Waaa up!!!

TKT: Waazzzz UP!!!

Rio: ZZZzzzzz...

Szu Hua: feel sleepy!!!

Chai: Bluek~~~~


Chai: I want cola sweet! ^u^ kang teng dont eat so much!

Y2K: Walau!! This lecturer's face very annoying. Need to see him 4 weeks. WTF!!

Liong: Sorry coconut head...Dah biasa... Y2K- this lecturer is cute ma!

Aldrin: I like this lecturer! ^^

TKT: Chai- cannot eat my candy! wah hahaha macam tengok presentation abdel

Rio: I hate dis class!!!!!! 'Rio draw a shape of lecturer face and his ugly hair' i want automotive lab!!! this lecturer x confident in his presentation better just use BM.

Y2K: LOL!! He us BM Abdel brothers dun und. If he's cute, nobody is UGLY lo!!

Yun: Cx not around la.... OMG

Chai: ........................bad bad teng! ^0^ .... Szu Hua dont SLEEP PLEASE! ^^

Y2KAI: Yun- Always TRUE LOVE only

Liong- Jie Jie, this lecturer got the hairstyle u want

Szu Hua: Useless lecturer! didnt answer the question! what not sure! what call 'mungkin'!

Liong: WTF! This lecturer's hair style 'SUCKS'!!! and that's definetely not the hair i want! I think Abdel like his presentation! same style ma. Yun- ur yue liang is thinking of u. ^^

Aldrin: Huarghh!! Sleepy -__-. I want to go back. wanna online check my cafe world.

TKT: wanna go back

Rio: i hate Abdel ahahahahahaha. i want to cycle my bicycle huhuhu. i like in hell here. somebody get me out please!!!!

TUng: where is the new moon?

Y2KAI: I pening pening putar putar @@@ o

Yun: Liong is moon's soul mate.... that's why he knows what moon is doing even he is not here....

Chai: sign off lu~ bye bye ^^

Yun: gtg.... 81816

-Peace Out-


Its been a while since my last post. Been busy these days. 3 reports to finish in a week together with the assignment. It was like hell of a day since last week! I guess this is wad its like after stranded here for the sake of a degree certificate in order to get a better paid of salary in the future.

Life just kept changing. Attitude is just one of them. One of the true thing that mattered. A person that you can trust and believe can be manipulated by another person by his or her words. What i can say is that believe in what you see and experience, not on other people's word of hatred. In the end, its just all about the truth and the one who will suffer are the one who spread lies.

Think about it. ^^

-Peace Out-

A Brand New Year 2010'

Im so excited and its my first post in 2010! Lol.

Anyway, just want to take this chance to wish Kuching and all my friends Happy New Year!

-Peace out-
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